Monday, March 8, 2010

Farewell Trees

Along with new home ownership comes new responsibilities. Sage wisdom. This being said, among our new responsibilities lies the sad fact that we have some very unhealthy trees begging for a little attention. Oh, how we wish said attention could be in the form of watering or pruning, or even speaking gingerly to them, because we assure you we would gladly do so, and do so well! However, no fertilizer, no water, no words of encouragement will be capable of reviving these monstrous trees that have become "ours". Sadly, we must wish them a fond farewell:(

I have had the pleasure of meeting Southern Oregon's finest between beekeepers, pest killers, weed sprayers, tree savers, tree cutters, and the like! After much research, and many bids, we will be falling some trees this Friday. After that we will have some MAJOR clean-up. Like MAJOR. Firewood, anyone?

Farewell Maple in our front yard...

Farewell neglected Doug Fir

Farewell gynormous Siberian Elm with your crazy and dangerous crack.

I reckon our yard will look considerably different! Though we are sad to chop trees down (what do you know? more DEMO!), we are excited to open up some space with ample light for our future sweet-as garden!

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