The silence neither indicates boredom nor lack of projects, but laziness on my part. Oops! As per always, projects abound. Brett has been such a diligent and faithful laborer, and I've been his fairweathered friend. Thank goodness our neighbor, Russ, has been so willing to help, and as always, Chippy is ever-faithful to lend a hand.
The recent undertaking has been a pretty massive (60'L x 4'H) retaining wall between our house and our neighbor's. I had no idea the expense of building a wall. Gasp! Nonetheless, it had to be done, so we bit the bullet and began. We ended up using stackable block, meaning no cement and no rebar. Phew! We did have to dig a pretty substantial footing, and cut back into the bank, while also combating crazy roots from our humongous fir tree, mind you. I helped with that part and was sore for about 2 weeks. This whole project has reminded me again and again how proud I am to be married to such a Hulk. He is strong like bull. Serious.