Brett and I decided that the time had come to get the stinkin' tile saw off our porch! This was my motivation to get the backsplash project over and done with. Instead of going backpacking this weekend, we stayed home and got some sheet done (believe it or not, this wasn't exactly Brett's idea of a fair trade. Backpacking: Take 2 will be in our future). We started tiling on Saturday afternoon around 3 or 4 pm, worked for a couple hours, then ran out of tile, then commenced tiling Sunday for a couple hours, then grouted on Monday. Backsplash tiling goes insanely quick! My kind of project.
Worth noting: I rarely see Brett on edge, and it is most probable that neither have you. Should you have any interest in seeing this, next time he and I tackle a tiling project together, come watch. You'll be in for a treat. He feels that if ever there were a time for me to be a perfectionist (which, in my books, there rarely, if ever, is), while tiling is one of them.
Here you go. A few pictures featuring our new subway tile backsplash.